Sandy Hook One Year Later... Are our Children Any Safer?

This year in the classroom as a teacher, I have really thought about the safety of our children in our Public Schools. Taking the time today to reflect on the senseless tragedy that happened last year ago on December 14, 2012 which killed twenty six people, including twenty school children. One year ago, we all watched in shock and horror at the devastation that one man caused all these families.  We as a Community, State, and Nation promised to make changes to ensure that this never happened again. What has been done?  Have we passed laws regarding more gun control? Is that the mere answer? What about mental health and the public safety of the members of the community? So many things that we could go back and forth on, debating from now until eternity. The bottom line is the children. The children have to be kept safe! We have to know as parents that when we drop them off at school that day, that they will be coming home. I know God has a purpose for all of us. I know that God is in control of all things. I know that this world is evil and full of sin, and that will not change. Change begins on the smaller scale, it begins within the community and state that we live in. Rapid Legislation and new laws are not going to take effect fast enough. There is money in state for our children's education, but whether it goes to safety and children's education is the concern.  The Virginia Lottery proceeds and I am assuming other states as well, as suppose to fund the schools. Do they? As an educator, I can tell you if they are, I do not know where it is, and it is certainly not enough. It is a well known fact that the School Budget is dissected on a yearly basis, pulling a little bit more away from the children each year. It also varies from one school district to another, even in the same state. One of the local school divisions has all of their schools secured and locked, and since Sandy Hook has installed door magnets in all the doors to pull the doors closed and locked in a moments notice. The next town over has another School District that are unsecured, having resource officers in the schools for security. Is that enough? Are the teacher's given the tools they need to keep on the average twenty plus children safe in their care? Are they free to lock their doors in the classroom? Some are, some schools discourage it. Like night and day, different philosophy's, one school has provided each classroom teacher a baseball bat as protection for their classroom.  
What can you do to help? How can you assure your children and parents that their child is safe? You can't. You can offer to pray for them and their family, but not during official "school hours" because the J word is not to be mentioned during school. It is amazing, thought that Jesus was probably the first name called out at Sandy Hook. I pray for my kids, I pray for my families. I pray for safety and smart Legislation to keep our communities safe. How about you?

For Further information and research, two mom's from Sandy Hook, Michelle Gay and Alissa Parker have started a coalition called , "Safe and Sound Schools." One important gun control legislation that was initiated by the Sandy Hook Promise was defeated in Congress by seven votes. They now have a new initiative called "Parent Together." 

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